Did you know that every hour someone dies from oral cancer? The death rate for oral cancer is increasing. 640,000 new cases of oral cancer are found each year worldwide; if not detected early, only about half of these people will be alive in the next five years.
Early detection of oral cancer can significantly improve your survival rate to 80 -90%. Since this is a disease that can go unnoticed, it is important to have regular checkups in order to identify if you have oral cancer or are at risk to get it. Our dentists may detect unusual lumps, abnormal tissues, sores or pains that will have an immediate follow up to discard any complication further on.
April is the Oral, Head and Neck Cancer awareness month as declared by the Oral Cancer Foundation, at Cyberdent we are giving all our patients a FREE oral cancer screening at our dental office. Come today and preserve your dental health so your loved ones can see you smile for a long long time!
Contact Information:
Glendale Office
6300 San Fernando Road
Glendale, CA 91201
Van Nuys Office
15333 Sherman Way Suite M
Van Nuys, CA 91406