
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

All You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth!

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All You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth!

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to erupt in your mouth. This generally occurs between the ages of 17 and 25, a time of life that has been called the "Age of Wisdom."

Anthropologists note that the rough diet of early humans resulted in the excessive wear of their teeth. Normal drifting of the teeth to compensate for this wear ensured that space was available for most wisdom teeth to erupt by adolescence. The modern diet, which is much softer than that of our ancestors, and the popularity of orthodontic tooth straightening procedures produce a fuller dental arch, which quite commonly doesn't leave room for the wisdom teeth to erupt. This sets the stage for problems to develop when the final four molars enter the mouth.

What is an impacted tooth?

A tooth becomes impacted when there is a lack of space in the dental arch and its growth and eruption are prevented by overlying gum, bone or another tooth. A tooth may be partially impacted, which means a portion of it has broken through the gum, or is totally impacted and unable to break through the gum at all.

How Serious is an impacted tooth?

Impacted and partially impacted teeth can be painful and lead to infection. They may also crowd or damage adjacent teeth or roots.

More serious problems may occur if the sac surrounding the impacted tooth becomes filled with fluid and enlarges to form a cyst. As the cyst grows it may hollow out the jaw and permanently damage adjacent teeth, the surrounding bone and nerves.

Rarely, if a cyst is not treated, a tumor may develop from its walls and a more serious surgical procedure may be required to remove it.

Despite the considerable concern regarding impacted third molars, a recent study sponsored by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation finds that third molars which have broken through the tissue and erupted into the mouth in a normal, upright position may be as prone to disease as those third molars that remain impacted.

Must the tooth come out if it hasn't caused any problems yet?

Not all problems related to third molars are painful or visible. Damage can occur without your being aware of it.

As wisdom teeth grow, their roots become longer, the teeth become more difficult to remove and complications become more likely. In addition, partially or totally impacted wisdom teeth are more likely to cause problems as patients’ age.

No one can predict when third molar complications will occur, but when they do, the circumstances can be much more painful and the teeth more difficult to treat. It is estimated that about 85% of third molars will eventually need to be removed.

When should I have my wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth are easier to remove when the patient is younger, since their roots are not completely formed, the surrounding bone is softer, and there is less chance of damaging nearby nerves or other structures. Removal of wisdom teeth at a later age becomes more complicated as the roots have fully developed (may involve the nerve), and the jawbone is denser.

It isn't wise to wait until your wisdom teeth start to bother you. In general, earlier removal of wisdom teeth results in a less complicated healing process. The AAOMS/OMSF study and our Van Nuys dentist strongly recommends that wisdom teeth be removed by the time the patient is a young adult in order to prevent future problems and to ensure optimal healing. The researchers found that older patients may be at greater risk for disease, including periodontitis, in the tissues surrounding the third molars and adjacent teeth. Periodontal infections, such as those observed in this study, may affect your general health.

What happens during surgery?

Before surgery, our Glendale or Van Nuys dentist will discuss with you what to expect. This is a good time to ask questions or express your concerns. It is especially important to let the doctor know about any illness you have and medications you are taking.

The relative ease with which a wisdom tooth may be removed depends on several conditions, including the position of the tooth and root development. Partially or totally impacted wisdom teeth may require a more involved surgical procedure.

Most wisdom tooth extractions are performed under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Our Van Nuys dentist will discuss the anesthetic option that is right for you.

What happens after surgery?

Following surgery, you may experience some swelling and mild discomfort, which are part of the normal healing process. Cold compresses may help decrease the swelling, and medication prescribed by our Van Nuys dentist can help manage the discomfort. You may be instructed to modify your diet following surgery and later progress to more normal foods.
At our Glendale or Van Nuys dentistry we have all the necessary means and the best technology to perform state-of-the-art dental surgeries. Our comprehensive and vivid patient education materials will help you make the best decisions about your oral health.

For more and in-depth discussion about wisdom teeth extractions you can contact our Glendale or Van Nuys offices and schedule a consultation.

Friday, November 6, 2009

What NOT TO DO with your Teeth

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 Van Nuys DentalCyberdent would like to share with you some dental advice regarding what NOT TO DO with your teeth so you can prevent tooth decay, dental cracks and oral diseases. It's very important to have good dental habits because a dental problem may have more negative consequences that you can ever imagine!

Our Van Nuys dental professionals would like to help you and your family achieve and maintain the best possible oral health. If you have a problem, or are seeking preventive dental care, Cyberdent is available to help with a full range of general and specialty services.

Basic Dental Don’ts to have a Hollywood style SMILE!

1. DON'T: Smoke
Smoking will stain your teeth drastically and affect your gums, causing bad breath. The smoke also prevents you from experiencing the complete real taste of food and drinks. Smoking as a habit predisposes people to suffer from oral cancer.

2. DON'T: wear mouth piercings
Tongue or lip piercings generate micro-fractures in your teeth that in time may completely break your dental pieces.

3. DON'T: cut strings with your teeth
Using your teeth as a cutting tool wears out the edges of your teeth and leads to extreme sensitivity.

4. DON'T:: bite objects
Biting pencils or trying to open a lid with your teeth may cause tiny fissures and cracks in the tops layer of your teeth.

5. DON'T: chew seeds
Chewing seeds may cause fissures in your molars.

6. DON'T: chew gum
Chewing gum constantly may cause articular problems and tooth cavities.

7. DON'T: create pressure while brushing
Brushing strongly or using hard toothbrushes may harm your gums and produce dental abrasion. This creates sensitivity in this area.

8. DON'T: bite your nails
Biting your nails may cause micro-fractures in the frontal sector of your mouth, weakening your dental pieces.

9. DON'T: use toothpicks
Using toothpicks or any other sharp object to clean your teeth might irritate your gums and cause them to swell, which can lead to gum disease. The ideal tool to clean your teeth is dental floss.

10. DON'T: take drugs unless prescribed by a physician or dentist.
Some drugs work by rubbing them over your gums. This produces gum irritation and inflammation, and also wears out the front layer of your teeth.



Glendale Office: (818) 547-4455
Van Nuys Office: (818) 909-0200

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Veneers in 1 Single Dental Visit!

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Same Day Dentistry: Veneers in a Single-Visit!

 veneers in single visit van nuys
Picture this: You finally find the time to go to the dentist but having to go back and forth for several appointments is not going to work for you. You don't want to rush, but time is precious for you. You were told at the dentist's office that you could probably use a veneers treatment, and you know you need to care for your teeth, but you don't have the time for several visits to our Van Nuys cosmetic dentist for your veneers treatment.You already fear the unwanted: many series of visits to the dentist when you have a tight schedule!

Always thinking of his patients first, Dr. Baghdasaryan’s modern cosmetic dentistry in Van Nuys has invested in an innovative technological device that allows veneers treatments to be completed in a single visit. This one-of-a-kind device also performs a comprehensive scan to discover all necessary dental details and get the most precise impression. Your new tooth or teeth will be “printed” and implanted without additional messy materials, with no unpleasant taste in your mouth, and without the long wait. It’s a neat, perfect and safe procedure, done in one visit, that will let you leave our Van Nuys dentist office with a wide smile of satisfaction!

E4D Dentist for Same-Day Dentistry

This modern dental device is called the E4D Dentist and lets our Van Nuys dentist deliver same-day veneers using the latest in dental technology and clinically proven materials. It’s not only good for veneer treatments but also for crowns and fillings! To read more about this modern technology, Click Here.

Why not give it a try? Veneers are an excellent choice in cosmetic dentistry, and patients love them because they can see the results in their appearance immediately! Don’t hesitate to schedule your appointment with Dr. Baghdasaryan at our modern cosmetic dentistry in Van Nuys, the only office in the area that provides this modern system to its patients.

Glendale: (818) 547-4455 - Van Nuys (818) 909-0200

Detect Caries Early with DIAGNOdent®!

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Laser Caries Detection Aid

Our goal at CyberDent is to help patients maintain and improve their oral health. To achieve this goal, the dental care that you and your family receive in our dental office in Glendale and Van Nuys always includes state of the art equipment. Among the newest technologies is a small laser caries detection aid called the DIAGNOdent®, which scans your teeth with harmless laser light, searching for hidden decay.

Locating hidden decay before it destroys tooth structure (from the inside out) is a major goal for modern dentistry. The widespread use of fluoride supplements in dental materials, toothpastes and drinking water has made tooth surfaces harder and more resistant to decay. However, diagnosing cavities beneath the hard surfaces is more challenging because the disease process can start through microscopic defects in the hard surface enamel and can readily spread into the softer tooth structure beneath the surface.

X-rays and probing with an explorer are limited in detecting sub surface decay, particularly when the cavity is in its early stages. Fortunately, the DIAGNOdent® is a major breakthrough that allows our Glendale dentist to monitor the areas below the hard surfaces. The DIAGNOdent® also allows the dentist and hygienist to locate hidden decay, and with treatment stop the spread of disease before it destroys the tooth from within.

Dental Explorer Vs. DIAGNOdent®

This new technology is completely safe and pain free. This unique instrument provides instant feedback on the health of the tooth. A pen like probe simply glides over tooth surface constantly checking the health of the tooth. A number scale and an alarm signal the operator when there are signs of hidden decay.

We encourage regular dental check-ups, cleanings and home care. Early caries detection and diagnosis of problems minimizes the expenses related to major tooth repair. New technologies take our Glendale area dental team a giant step forward to help you achieve the goal of minimally invasive dentistry.

Our dentist in Glendale and Van Nuys invested in this innovative technology because we believe our patients deserve modern dentistry that fits their lifestyles. Call to schedule your appointment today and preserve your smile!

Glendale Office: (818) 547-4455
Van Nuys Office: (818) 909-0200